Release Notes

Check out our release notes to learn more about Panther's latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements.

v1.103 Mar 13, 2024
Send alerts to Discord using our new built-in alert destination integration.
v1.102 Mar 6, 2024
Added data models for AWS EKS and GCP GKE logs to map to normalized Kubernetes log fields.
v1.101 Feb 29, 2024
Use normalized event filtering to filter out events after they have been parsed by a log schema
v1.100 Feb 21, 2024
Our built-in Carbon Black, Netskope, and Tenable log sources are out of their open beta phase and are now generally available.
v1.99 Feb 14, 2024
Added the ability to configure dynamic severity, alert context, and groupby functions for Simple Detections in the Panther Console.
v1.98 Feb 7, 2024
Ingest Amazon Security Lake logs using our new built-in integration.