We’re Here to Help!

We want you to love using Panther. All customers have access to a variety of support channels, an ever-evolving resource library, and an active community of Panther users. We’re committed to helping our customers make the most out of their Panther subscription.

Support Resources

Our resource libraries and community have you covered.

Get In Touch

Current customers can reach us using one of the options below:

Technical Support
Technical support is available 20 hours a day, 5 days a week. Drop us a line via your team’s dedicated Slack channel, in-product chat, or email.
Urgent Response
We’re here for you when you need us most. We offer 24/7 on-call emergency response via Slack and in-product messenger.

The team at Panther are some of the best people I have had the pleasure of interaction with. Their support is excellent and someone is always available to answer questions or help out in any way that is needed.

Chris P.

VP of Engineering

Additional Resources

Keep Up With Panther
We’re constantly innovating to offer more security value to our customers. If you’d like to learn more about Panther’s latest features, integrations, bug fixes, or security enhancements, check out our release notes.
Release Notes
System Status
Panther’s status page allows customers to subscribe to notifications whenever an incident is created, updated, or resolved. Check out our status page to see any current or past service incidents or to review historical uptime.
Status Page
Escape Cloud Noise. Detect Security Signal.
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