Continuously audit and monitor RDS Instance configurations and enforce security compliance as code with Panther.
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) enables developers to create and manage relational databases in the cloud, overcoming some limitations of traditional databases like MySQL. Use Panther to track real-time changes to your RDS to ensure configurations meet your business requirements for security and compliance.
Monitoring RDS is critical for understanding the history of database application changes and detecting suspicious activity. Use Panther’s built in policies for continuous monitoring of RDS instances, or write your own detections in Python to fit your internal business use cases.
Common security use cases for RDS with Panther include:
The integration is simple and fast:
Use Panther to search all RDS in an account by name, view their compliance status, associated policies, and configured remediations. Learn more about using Panther to analyze your AWS logs for security insights.